ILOA 2012 Galaxy Poster for 21st Century Education

The ILOA 2012 Galaxy Poster is a powerful resource representing the next dimension beyond maps of the World and Solar System. Distributed free by the non-profit ILOA to Galaxy Forum participants and associated institutions around the world, the Poster includes a Milky Way schematic based on the latest research and insets outlining dimensional and compositional features.

ILOA 2012 GalaxyPoster, Galaxy Forum(click for full-size image)

Galaxy Hunter

Galaxy Hunter is a great online resource for 21st Century science educators and students. Data from Hubble Deep Field images provide the statistical and graphical backdrop for an extremely informative exploration of galaxy science. Critical analysis and methodological skills are covered in a practical and engaging way. The activity covers statistical and scientific issues related to Bias and Sample Size, while providing a significant amount of information about Galaxies and the Universe.

This resource targets students in Highschool, specifically grades 10-12, but could be adapted by the teachers for use at other levels.

Teaching tips are available here. These include lesson plans and resource overviews, as well as reference to National Standards.  (Credits: Frances Pittelli, Lynnette Roller, Denise Smith)